Friday, July 16, 2010

Fishing with Daddy

Happy Friday!  I know I've been blogging for awhile!  Our summer got very busy! 

Anyway, my daughter had her first fishing lesson with Daddy the other day!  She loved it!

With her princess pole in hand (at first no hook....just a princess castle bobber) she learned how to cast and reel!  But that wasn't good enough for her...she was determined to get down to the water and start fishing!

After several rounds of casting and reeling the bobber her wanted more!  She saw daddy actually catching fish so she wanted to also!  He put a hook on her pole and let her try....

The little girl caught a FISH!!!  She didn't quite like the fish when it was out of the water...she preferred the process of fishing instead.  Once we the threw the fish back she was ready to do it again!